Tuesday, July 24, 2007

July 24, 2007

Mom: Hey handsome! Where were you all day?

JP: Well. I was at Kindergarten Jumpstart.

Mom: Did you have fun?

JP: Yeah. I didn't dance.

Mom: You didn't dance?

JP: Well. I'll try dance later.

Mom: Will you dance tomorrow?

JP: Sure.

Mom: You promise Mommy that you will dance with Mrs. G tomorrow during the freeze song?

JP: Yes. Is it the mermaid the song?

Mom: The mermaid song?

JP: Yes. There is something I gotta show you. (Tries to pick up a new sprinkler toy I got.) Look at this. This is my new water ball box. It will shoot water in the air!

Mom: Yes, but right now I want to talk about school.

JP: Okay.

Mom: So what was your favorite thing today at Jumpstart?

JP: My favorite thing was the...blocks. Build the blocks.

Mom: What? Building blocks?

JP: Yes.

Mom: Did you do that alone or with a friend?

JP: With a friend.

Mom: Do you remember your friends name?

JP: I don't know.

Mom: I think I know.

JP: Who.

Mom: What did Mrs. G say his name was?

JP: I don't know. I don't know.

Mom: Was it Sam or Tyler?

JP: Tyler!

Mom: Did you have fun playing with Tyler?

JP: Yeah! He was building blocks with me.

Mom: That is so cool. So you and Tyler liked doing blocks. Did you know that friends play together. So you and Tyler must have become friends today! That is great! So did you do PE or gym today?

JP: I did PE. We were in the garden and we ran around the garden. Through the trees.

(They have an enclosed atrium in the middle of the school. I am guessing that this is where the met with the PE teacher.)

Mom: Did you play chase?

JP: Yep. Well. The people started to follow me but I am running past them but they were running. But I was running behind them.

Mom: Cool. Was it the kids that were running or the adults?

JP: The kids were running! Watch me.

(Stands with arms out.)

JP: I look like a bubble and when we run into each other we pop. I might turn back into a bubble.

(I'm not sure what they played but he appears to have been taught to stand in this position. Maybe a form of freeze tag where they have to stand with their arms out for a peer to tag them so they can move again?)

Mom: Did you learn that at school?

JP: Yeah.

Mom: Was that what you played during PE?

JP: Yeah.

Mom: What did you do during music?

JP: Well. I tried to dance but I didn't.

Mom: How come. Why didn't you dance.

JP: Because I lose and go crashing into a prickly floor!

Mom: Did you cry?

JP: But I didn't.

Mom: Were you sad?

JP: I wasn't. I was confused.

Mom: Were you confused because you didn't know how to dance?

JP: Yeah. But I didn't dance because I had two left feet. I can't go to parties and dance if I have two left feet. (This is a quote from Christopher Robin from a "Growing up with Winnie the Pooh" video)

Mom: Did you do any art today?

JP: Yes.

Mom: What did you do?

(He came home with a picture of a Dog that he colored in with crayons. This is actually more coloring that he typically will do. He even used multiple colors!)

JP: Uh, I did songs there. Then I did a goodbye and then I went home.

Mom: Did Daddy pick you up?

JP: I think you pick me up.

Mom: Oh, that's right. You rode home in Mommy's tractor.

JP: I think it is a van not a tractor!

Mom: Was Mommy being silly? Was I messing with you?

JP: Yes.

Mom: Did you eat lunch at school?

JP: Yeah.

Mom: What did you eat?

JP: I ate lots of food.

Mom: Like what food?

JP: Dominos. (aka Doritos) Pickle. Turkey (actually it was ham) and grapes and some fruit punch.

Mom: That sounds yummy! What was your favorite?

JP: Well, fruit punch.

Mom: Did you drink the water Mommy sent for class?

JP: Well. at Brymentary school I don't.

Mom: Why not?

JP: Because I was thirsty for lemonade.

Mom: Well... but at school we only get to drink water and at lunch probably milk.

(Surpise! Dad came through the door. He is home from work and is sick. JP is distracted so we will end our transcription of our first day of JumpStart into Kindergarten.)

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