Thursday, June 7, 2007

June 7, 2007

JP: Look there is Devlin

(JP is looking at a framed picture of our cat, Devlin.
Devlin passed away last fall. )

Mom: Yes, isn't he a pretty kitty.

JP: Yes. He's stuck at the top of the sky. (JP's version of heaven)

Mom: Yeah, Devlin is in heaven, isn't he.

JP: Haa! You're right! I'm getting thirsty.

Mom: You are?

JP: Well, how about a black one with Cokey. Can you guess what it is? Do you know what it is?

Mom: Is it prune juice?

JP: Haa! No! It's Coke.

Mom: Oh, but we can't drink Coke in the morning.

JP: But I'll get it. I'll be right back.

Mom: No. Come here.

JP" No, I'm not coming back.

Mom: So, JP, you wanted to make words. What do you want to talk about?

JP: Well, how about characters.

Mom: Okay...I'll pick the character.

JP: And I'll pick the character too.

Mom: First Mommy picks Diego.

JP: And my favorite character is Spiderman and Superman. They are good friends.

Mom: So tell me about Diego.

JP: Diego's rescue pack will turn into a hang glider so he can fly down anything.

Mom: Why does he need to fly down?

JP: Because he can find all the animals.

Mom: Why does he need the animals? Just to say hi?

JP: Yeah. I can say "hi" to baby jaguar. Baby jaguar goes "rah rah". When he goes "rah rah" he will be stuck in the mud slide and Diego will have to rescue him. His rescue pack will have to turn into a board so he can skate down to baby jaguar.

Mom: Does Diego have a sister?

JP: Yes.

Mom: What is his sister's name?

JP: My sister is...Dora. Dora is his sister.

Mom: But isn't her name Alicia.

JP: Hee Hee...oh dear. Our characters are gone.

Mom: So did you go swimming last night?

JP: Yes. I swimmed all the way to our yards but if the walls open in our swim house more water might fall into the pool. Then there might be more water.

Mom: Oh, that is good thinking. Did you wear your floatation belt last night?

JP: Yes.

Mom: The whole time?

JP: Well, yes. In the beginning I put my belt on.

Mom: Then did you take it off?

JP: I did that when I float on my back.

Mom: You did the back float!

JP: Yeah, hurray!

Mom: That is great! Was it fun?

JP: Yes, but our characters are gone.

Mom: Yep, we are talking about swimming now.

JP: Oh, no. But Mommy our characters are gone!

Mom: Are you excited for Daddy to get our pool put together in the backyard?

JP: Yes, but our characters are gone.

Mom: Yep, bye bye characters.

JP: But they're gone. They swiped our candy. We've got to find them.

Mom: Who swiped them? Swiper the fox?

JP: Swiper swiped Dora's things in Dora the Explorer Adventure.

Mom: Is that nice when Swiper steals things?

JP: Yes.

Mom: Really. Would you'd like Swiper to steal your Coke?

JP: Ha! Not my coke. Maybe Swiper will take me to his garden. Maybe Swiper can have a drink of my Coke. When he drinks it he might be happy.

Mom: That is really nice of you to share your imaginary Coke with Swiper!

JP: Maybe I can take Swiper to his playground that was Dora and Bob the Builder at. Maybe I can take Swiper to Bob the Builder's museum.

Mom: Well, bud, we'll just have to see.

JP: Maybe we'll do that on Friday. We'll get back to the museum and see if Bob the Builder is inside.

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