Thursday, July 26, 2007

July 26, 2007

JP: Hi Mom!

Mom: Hi JP!

JP: Ohhh, I'm getting thirsty again.

Mom; Didn't I just give you some juice?

JP: Yeah.

(Very long pause while I try to make him lead the conversation. After my computer clock ticks away 2 whole minutes I proceed to type this sentence. My action draws him back to me.)

JP: What are you doing Mommy?

Mom: I am typing words. What are you doing JP?

JP: Well, I was looking at Bob the Builder paper. See.

(Shows me a Bob flyer that comes with the vehicles. These show all of the toys they sell. JP has always loved these papers almost more than the actual vehicles.)

Mom: Do you like Bob the Builder?

JP: Yeah.

Mom: So JP what did you do this morning?

JP: Well. First yesterday I play soccer. With purple shirts on.

(Before coming to make words he was watching a home video from last year. On this video he was playing soccer. This was our old team where they wore purple shirts. We now wear white.)

Mom: Oh, were you watching your old home video when you were on the Eels team?

JP: Yeah, I played soccer.

Mom: You used to wear purple shirts. Now your team wears what color?

JP: Purple.

Mom: No, what do you wear now?

JP: White.

Mom: That is right! Did you know that soccer starts next month?

JP: Yeah.

Mom: Are you excited to play soccer again?

JP: Yeah.

(He says very unconvincingly. Not a hint of excitement anywhere.)

Mom: So JP where did you go this morning?

JP: Well, I went to school.

Mom: You did!

JP: Yeah.

Mom: Was it fun?

JP: Yeah.

(This is like pulling teeth! I want more than a bored yeah from him!)

JP: What did you do there?

Mom: I did got down the slide.

(Earlier he told me he did not do the slide)

Mom: You did the slide.

JP: Yes, and we spread around the room.

Mom: What did you do around the room?

JP: We can't spread around the room because we'll get peanut butter everywhere.

Mom: Peanut butter?

(I am thoroughly confused.)

JP: Yeah.

Mom: Was there peanut butter at school?

JP: I think I gotta finish my movie.

Mom: No, come here. Did you have a lunch today?

JP: Yeah.

Mom: Was there anything special about your lunch?

JP: Yeah.

Mom: What?

JP: Because I did work.

Mom: You did work? How did you work?

JP: Because I made a tree.

Mom: You did make a tree! I saw it in your backpack.

JP: Yeah.

Mom: You did a great job on that tree.

JP: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Mom: What else did you do at Jump Start?

(The phone rang and interrupted this amazing conversation. Since it has been such a dud I'll just let it end.)


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